Red Blood Cell Modelling
This project models RBCs deformation and their flow through capillary. It also deals with modelling blood components separation using microfluidics separation.
A new biomechanical model for understanding aging of stored Red Blood Cells (ARC Linkage Project)
Stored red blood cells (RBCs) suffer aging-related deformability changes, which will impede RBC functions. This project will develop a novel modelling framework capable of accurately representing the biomechanical properties of RBCs over time under stored conditions. The framework integrates models for RBC membrane, inside haemoglobin and outside storage solution, and accounts for aging effects by embedding time-dependent correlations. It will provide a powerful tool to gain new insight and deepened understanding of the mechanisms of deformability changes of RBCs during stored lifespan. Therefore, it will significantly improve blood storage industry practices in terms of improving RBC storage protocols with preventative aging strategies.
Deformation of RBC in capillary network
A healthy red blood cell (RBC) presents a good mechanical deformation property. The change of the mechanical property of RBC will lead to serious diseases. Hence, it is critical to understand the deformation mechanism of RBC. This project aims to thoroughly investigate the mechanical deformation properties of red blood cells into the capillary network. A novel meshfree particle model will be proposed for the purpose. This project will increase the knowledge and understanding of the deformation mechanics of red blood cells as a result of several key factors including environment, aging, and infection. The output obtained from this project will help in-depth understanding not only of prevention of cell infection and red blood cell related diseases, but also of the aging issues of RBC.
Blood components separation using microfluidics devices
Since the discovery of inertial focusing in 1961, numerous theories have been put forward to explain the migration of particles in inertial flows, but a complete understanding is still lacking. Recently, computational approaches have been utilized to obtain better insights into the underlying physics. In particular, fundamental aspects of particle focusing inside straight and curved microchannels have been explored in detail to determine the dependence of focusing behavior on particle size, channel shape, and flow Reynolds number. In this review, we differentiate between the models developed for inertial particle motion on the basis of whether they are semi-analytical, Navier–Stokes-based, or built on the lattice Boltzmann method. This review provides a blueprint for the consideration of numerical solutions for modeling of inertial particle motion, whether deformable or rigid, spherical or non-spherical, and whether suspended in Newtonian or non-Newtonian fluids. In each section, we provide the general equations used to solve particle motion, followed by a tutorial appendix and specified sections to engage the reader with details of the numerical studies. Finally, we address the challenges ahead in the modeling of inertial particle microfluidics for future investigators.
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Selected Publications
Journal Papers
- N. M. Geekiyanage, E. Sauret, S. C. Saha, R. Flower, Y. T. Gu, “Modelling of red blood cell morphological and deformability changes during In-Vitro storage”, Applied Sciences, 10 (2020) pp. 3209. [IF: 2.217] Q1
- N. M. Geekiyanage, E. Sauret, S. C. Saha, R. Flower, Y. T. Gu, “Deformation behaviour of stomatocyte, discocyte and echinocyte red blood cell morphologies during optical tweezers stretching”, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Online. [IF: 2.829] Q1
- S. R. Bazaz, A. Mashhadian, A. Ehsani, S. C. Saha, T. Krueger, M. E. Warkiani, “Computational Inertial Microuidics: A Review”, Lab on a Chip, Online [IF: 6.914] Q1.
- S. M. Vanaki, D. Holmes, S. C. Saha, J. Chen, R. J. Brown, P. G. Jayathilake, “Muco-ciliary clearance: A review of modelling techniques”, Journal of Biomechanics, 99 (2020) pp. 109578 [IF: 2.576]. Q1.
- C. Kumar, M. Hejazian, C. From, S. C. Saha, E. Sauret, Y. T. Gu, N-T Nguyen, “Modelling of mass transfer enhancement in a magnetouidic micromixer”, Physics of Fluids, 31 (2019) pp. 063603-1 – 9 [IF: 2.627]. Q1
- N. M. Geekiyanage, M. A. Balanant, E. Sauret, S. C. Saha, R. Flower, C. T. Lim, Y. T. Gu, “A coarse-grained red blood cell membrane model to study stomatocyte-discocyte-echinocyte morphologies”, PLoS ONE, 14 (2019) pp. e0215447. [IF: 2.776] Q1
- H-N. Polwaththe Gallage, E. Sauret, N-T. Nguyen, S. C. Saha, Y. T. Gu, “A novel numerical model to predict the morphological behaviour of magnetic liquid marbles using Coarse Grained Molecular Dynamics concepts”. Physics of Fluids, 30 (2018) pp. 017105-1-13. [IF:2.627] Q1.
- S. Barns, M{A Balanant, E. Sauret, R. Flower, S.C. Saha, Y.T. Gu,”Investigation of red blood cell mechanical properties using AFM indentation and coarse-grained particle method”, BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 16 (2017) Article number 140 (21 pages), [IF: 2.013] Q2
- P. G. H. Nayanajith, S. C. Saha, E. Sauret, R. Flower, Y. T. Gu, “A coupled SPH-DEM approach to model the interactions between multiple red blood cells on motion and deformation in capillary”, International Journal of Mechanics & Materials in Design, 12, (2016), pp. 477 – 494. [IF: 3.143] Q1.
- P.G.H. Nayanajith, S. C. Saha, E. Sauret, R. Flower, W. Senadeera, Y.T. Gu, “SPH DEM approach to numerically simulate the deformation of three dimensional RBCs in non uniform capillaries”, BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 15, (2016), pp. 349 – 370. [IF: 2.013] Q2.
- S. Barns, E. Sauret, S. C. Saha, R. Flower, Y. T. Gu, “Two-layer Red Blood Cell membrane model using the discrete element method”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 846, (2016), pp. 270 – 275, Q4.
- P. G. H. Nayanajith, S. C. Saha, E. Sauret, R. Flower, Y. T. Gu, “Numerical investigation of motion and deformation of a single red blood cell in a stenosed capillary”, International Journal of Computational Methods, 12, (2015), pp. 1540003, [IF: 1.221] Q1.
- P. G. H. Nayanajith, S. C. Saha, Y. T. Gu, “Formation of the three-dimensional geometry of the red blood cell’s membrane”, ANZIAM Journal, 55 (2014) pp. C80 – C95, [IF: 0.333] Q4.
- P. G. H. Nayanajith, S. C. Saha, Y. T. Gu, “Deformation of a single red blood cell in a microvessel”, ANZIAM Journal, 55 (2014) pp. C64 – C79, [IF: 0.333] Q4.